MX-7 Series
The Maule MX-7 Series is a fun and easy to fly STOL aircraft. Powered by a 180hp Lycoming 4 cylinder engine it provides a perfect blend of performance and fuel efficiency! All MX-7-180 models have an available Auto-Fuel STC for Unleaded Mogas. The MX-7 Series is very agile and versatile with a large ~38 cu. ft. cargo area and high useful load. This is an excellent aircraft for law enforcement and military missions.

Oleo Strut Gear Taildragger
Engine: Lycoming 0-360-C1F (2000hr. TBO)
Useful Load: 1030 lbs. (467 kg)
Take Off, Ground Roll (light weight): 300 ft (92 m)
Landing (light weight) over obstacle: 900 ft (274 m)
Gross Weight: 2500 lbs. (1136kg)
Empty Weight: 1470 lbs. (667 kg)
Stall Speed (full flaps / power off / light weight) (IAS): 40 mph (35 kts)
Take Off, Ground Roll (light weight): 300 ft (92 m)
Take Off (light weight) over 50′ obstacle: 700 ft (214 m)
Rate of Climb, Initial (light weight): 1000 fpm (5.1 m/s)
Landing (light weight) over obstacle: 900 ft (274 m)
Service Ceiling: 15,000 ft (4572 m)
Fuel Consumption US Gals. @ 65% Power (avg.): 9 gph (34 lph)
Cruise (75% Power / Opt. Alt.) (TAS): 138 mph (120 kts)
Performance Observations as for One Person, 22 Gal. of fuel, Sea Level, Standard Day Conditions. (Do Not Use for Flight Planning)

Aluminum Spring Gear Taildragger
Engine: Lycoming 0-360-C1F (2000hr. TBO)
Useful Load: 955 lbs. (433 kg)
Take Off, Ground Roll (light weight): 300 ft (92 m)
Landing (light weight) over obstacle: 900 ft (274 m)
Gross Weight: 2500 lbs. (1136kg)
Empty Weight: 1545 lbs. (701 kg)
Stall Speed (full flaps / power off / light weight) (IAS): 40 mph (35 kts)
Take Off (light weight) over 50′ obstacle: 700 ft (214 m)
Rate of Climb, Initial (light weight): 1000 fpm (5.1 m/s)
Service Ceiling: 15,000 ft (4572 m)
Fuel Consumption US Gals. @ 65% Power (avg.): 9 gph (34 lph)
Cruise (75% Power / Opt. Alt.) (TAS): 138 mph (120 kts)
Performance Observations as for One Person, 22 Gal. of fuel, Sea Level, Standard Day Conditions. (Do Not Use for Flight Planning)

Aluminum Spring Gear with Hydraulic Nosewheel
Engine: Lycoming 0-360-C1F (2000hr. TBO)
Useful Load: 935 lbs. (424 kg)
Take Off, Ground Roll (light weight): 300 ft (92 m)
Landing (light weight) over obstacle: 900 ft (274 m)
Weight: 2500 lbs. (1136kg)
Empty Weight: 1565 lbs. (667 kg)
Stall Speed (full flaps / power off / light weight) (IAS): 40 mph (35 kts)
Take Off, Ground Roll (light weight): 300 ft (92 m)
Take Off (light weight) over 50′ obstacle: 700 ft (214 m)
Rate of Climb, Initial (light weight): 1000 fpm (5.1 m/s)
Landing (light weight) over obstacle: 900 ft (274 m)
Service Ceiling: 15,000 ft (4572 m)
Fuel Consumption US Gals. @ 65% Power (avg.): 9 gph (34 lph)
Cruise (75% Power / Opt. Alt.) (TAS): 138 mph (120 kts)
Performance Observations as for One Person, 22 Gal. of fuel, Sea Level, Standard Day Conditions. (Do Not Use for Flight Planning)